Waiting for Godot!
Company O at Fringeworld
Company O are back for Fringeworld, 2024, with Venus in Fur!

‘Venus’ has come to break up the old boys’ club!
Two sold-out seasons for “Art”, Venus in Fur, Company O’s next MainStage production, and Company O Artistic Director, Andrew O’Connell’s new book of short stories.

Company 1.O
10 years of theatre making for Company O. Check out the highlights!

From high drama to high comedy, Company O explores the highs and lows in 2022!


What’s in the oven?

New directions for Company O?

Our story thus far…
In 2013, a group of actors banded together to put on Oscar Wilde’s rarely performed Salome in a dark and dingy little theatre in Sydney. The rest is history!